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Hotel Golden Key Prague Castle

direct booking


Nerudova 27
110 00 Prague 1

GDS codes

Galileo WV A8341


Sabre WV 221114
Pegasus ODD WV 968331


WorldSpan WV 968331

How to reach us?

After reaching Prague you should follow direction city center up to Malostranské náměstí (Malostranske Square). We recommend to put either GPS coordinates or the hotel adrress to your GPS: 50.088415 N 14.398873 E

Where to park?

After reaching the hotel you may park in front of the building on the blue marked zone. Than ask recepction for your booked parking ticket and place it immediately visible in to the car. The ticket costs 590 CZK per day, per car. In no way leave the car with out the ticket for longer period, your car can be taken away by the police. Hotel cannot be responsible for such a case if the procedure mentioned above was not kept by the client. Please note, that the parking ticket has to be booked in advance with reception.

Transfers – We will be pleased to organize transfer from the airport or any other location in/or out of Prague,  including transportation within Czech republic or also abroad. 

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